Candidate & Employee Experiences

Candidate & Employee Experiences

It is fair to say that Employee Experiences (EX) is at a turning point and it is now more important than ever before, as its influence impacts both HR strategies and attainment of organisations’ ability to deliver strategic & financial business outcomes. 

In saying that, organisatons are quite immature in establishing workplace experiences that matter. This is generally due EX strategies and initiatives that don't have executive or leadership support, organisational silos, the lack of consistent feedback mechanisms, and insufficient technology to enable creating an attractive employer brand in the market, leading to candidate and employee experiences found wanting.

The Opportunity - why it matters

A multitude of research conducted over the past twelve months has all reached the same conclusion - EX is incredibly important to business success. Whether that be creating innovative people centred initiatives or implementing contemporary employer agreements that put their people at the forefront, it is increases the likelihood of delivering a greater EX and, in turn, higher employee engagement in the workplace. The employee benefits that can be achieved through having a great workplace experience include a better quality of work due to a greater sense of pride employees have for their employer and a stronger belief that the work they do counts, increased ability to innovate and drive productivity in being amore agile workforce, attraction of talent (including higher rates this being driven by employee advocacy and referrals) and an increase in retaining the right people. All these benefits directly influence the success, or not, of organisations to remain competitive and viable in their respective industries.

The Solutions - what I can offer

  • Building leading edge workplace experiences, either from scratch or re-designing existing frameworks to drive high employee engagement results
  • Strong experience in devising bargaining strategies for employer agreements that drive long term organisational sustainability and employee engagement
  • Negotiating with vendors to ensure best ROI and re-investment of savings in more effective processes
  • Building advocacy of EX initiatives within the organisation, from Executive down, including creating employee co-labs in which the EX framework was led by them, rather than HR
  • Building strong employer brand in the marketplace driven by unique and bespoke experiences
  • Excellent conceptual and data analytics skills to identify potential to connect employee experience with business strategy, and drive opportunities through the employee lifecycle stages
  • Creating candidate experiences that are unmatched in the current market and drove high talent attraction rates, using innovative technology where possible like AI interviewing

An example of my success was leading a team in my role as GM People & Culture where we re-designed our existing onboarding roadmap on the employee lifecycle. Whilst our on-boarding ratings weren't bad, as our business was moving into a growth period, it needed to be re-imagined. It involved challenging existing processes, redefining new ones, leveraging technology that would support building a new memorable experience, collaborate with our workforce and take their insights to shape the final design. Most importantly, we wanted to ensure we personalised the experience for each new employee. In the first 12 months of our new workflow being implemented we had maintained a 90% and above Net promoter score and an overall EX rating above 75%.  The success of this workflow resulted in us re-designing other parts of the employee lifecycle ie candidate experience, where we led the way in building an experience that was unmatched based on candidate feedback.

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